Monday, May 9, 2016

Week Eleven


This email is going to be quick! I'm in a little internet cafe in Pëja right now. We woke up early and took a 2 1/2 hour train ride here. We're going to hike to a waterfall in a bit. Pictures to come next week :).

I'll be honest It's super hard because I still can't understand what people are saying. AT ALL. Their accents are so strong and I'm having a really rough time with the language. I don't feel like I'm progressing much... like I've plateaued. So I was feeling pretty discouraged because of course I want to love these people that I'm serving. But I felt like the only people that I could connect with were those that speak English! Then one day the senior couple (the H's) took Motra Henderson & I to a member family's home, the J's. We went in and had a lesson with their family. The H's don't speak Albanian so Motra Henderson translated for them. But it wasn't a problem for the H's; they had so much love for this family. They were really close friends with the J's. Witnessing that taught me a lesson that the language barrier isn't everything. I can still show people that I love them, it doesn't have to be through words. I just need to serve them. My perspective has changed.

Now let me explain my subject line... On Friday we went to an American military base called Bonsdale. So yeah... technically I was back in America this week! We went to a nice general store and stocked up on some imported American junk food (aka Gatorade and Reese's for me). Then we taught our investigator, B, and some of the soldiers a lesson on the 10 commandments. B's awesome, we're bff's. Fun fact: she taught tennis in PA for a summer! What are the odds of that... she was in the Pocono's. We're going to play tennis soon :). Anyway she's an English translator on the base. She's progressing so much... we're going to ask her to be baptized this week!

That's all I've got! Love you all, have a great week.

Motra Fulop

And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right
hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up. - D&C 84:88

The BEST lunch I've had so far - a doner from California Burger (I guess they think this is what an American burger looks like??)

Bill Clinton welcomes people into Prishtina. Told ya they love America.

Street crepes <333

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