Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Week 16: Prepare to SWERVE

Mirë dita! Si je?

This has easily been the busiest week yet! Motra Henderson and I had every day completely booked with lessons. GET THIS, one person we met up with... Peter Makoid's cousin!! (my high school friends will know who I'm talking about). Yeah what are the odds, she works right down the road from me. It's nice to have a little piece of home here.

A little Kosovar culture for ya... Every morning we study from 8-10 and we've been getting live music outside our window. The gypsies walk up and down our street in the morning playing their homemade instruments. They'll have a clarinet/tamborine/drum strapped infront of them and play everything at once. Sounds like it would be a potential mess but it actually sounds awesome.

Yesterday we watched some of the few Mormon messages that are translated into Albanian. There was one that really struck me. We shared it with our branch president and a few members last night. I can't stop thinking about it it's so good! Please watch (this one's in English). We're going to share with everyone this week.

"He is the light and life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened..." - Mosiah 16:9

Ju dua,

Motra Fulop :)
Just Motra's doing Motra things

​Gramia Park

Peter's cuz, Kristen!!!

YAY biking for P-day today

You don't want to know how many times I've ordered this in the past 7 weeks here

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