Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 36: When Pinterest Fails Hit Albania

Mirë dita!! Si jeni?!

It's been The Amazing Race 24/7 for Motra Holt and I this week. There was much sprinting and sweating involved but I swear I haven't killed my daughter just yet. We had three mission-related conferences Wed Thurs and Fri, then General Conference Saturday and Sunday. Other than the conferences we had a lot of great opportunities to teach this week! We've been getting to know all of the members and they're so ready and willing to help with our lessons. It makes the work a lot more fun!

Pinterest fails this week.... as I've mentioned before our oven doesn't work but we were asked to make cookies for a conference so I was like hey no problem we can just make no bakes on the stove! Well we didn't have a recipe... so I was like hey no prob I think I can remember how to make them and we'll just throw everything on the pan and it'll work out. Nope. They turned out like oaty, gross things and someone said they tasted like pepper. Elders proceeded to chuck them at each other's cars like snowballs. Then our Relief Society President, Megi told us one night that she was going around heart-attacking people's doors. So we thought we'd be cute and heart attack her door as she was gone so that when she'd get back SURPRISE. We covered her door that night but then days passed and she didn't say anything about it. Turns out we heart attacked the wrong door in the building over from her... woops.

Spiritual thought: General conference was streamed to us this weekend (it's a week late because they have to translate it into Albanian) but it was SO good, as always! Of course a standout is listening to the prophet. I know that Thomas S. Monson truly is our prophet in these latter days. In 1 Nephi 10: 18 it reads, "For He (God) is the same yesterday, today, and forever; and the way is prepared for all men from the foundation of the world, if it so be that they repent and come unto him." I love that! God is the same yesterday, today, and forever; so why would He only have had prophets in ancient times? It only makes sense that He would have a prophet on the Earth at all times! I know that Thomas S. Monson is God's mouthpiece for us. I'm thankful for the modern-day revelation and guidance that we can receive from God through him.

Have a great week! Ju dua shumë!

Motra Fulop :)
Lunch Part 2... I ate 6 crepes this week woops

Today we took Motra Gjonca to the mission office - she's headed off to the Switzerland temple for endowments!

Sad to say it but... The Door of Regrets

Lunch Part 1

Us and Megi!

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