Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Week 51: "Donald Trump Is On My Speed Dial"

Përshëndetja! Si jeni?

Time is continuing to fly by on the mission! I hit my year mark this week, meaning that I'm at the six-month count-down at this point; how crazy is that?! I'm trying to soak everything in and work as hard as I can, while I can, so that by the end I won't have any regrets.

This was a pretty ordinary week; but with that being said it was still a good one. We met with our three friends S, M, and E almost everyday and they're all so awesome. It is such a privilege to work with them. They soak in everything we teach like sponges - they're the teachers, we're just the guides. I've really come to witness that this work isn't about me at all but It's all about our friends and their personal growth in coming to know their Savior better.

Motra Suckow and I also had a couple first lessons with some new people we found street contacting; first lessons are always the most interesting. We met with one lady that said that Donald Trump was on her speed dial and she kept showing us random pictures of dancing penguins on her phone, and another lady we met was just trying to set us up with her son the whole time. There are some very interesting things that happened; they kept us on our toes and laughing.

Tuesdays and Thursdays we're teaching English course and Motra Suckow and I are in charge of the beginner's class. We have about twenty students and they're really focused and respectful so we're happy that we got a good group this time around! Also Saturday the Relief Society hosted a dance for the branch activity which was SO much fun - we danced to Albanian traditional music, played musical chairs, fruit basket, and had an arm wrestling contest.

Something spiritual: Yesterday I gave a talk on charity. In Albanian charity is "dashuria hyjnore", which directly translates to "divine love". In the scriptures it says that without charity we are nothing - that's a pretty bold statement! Let's try to have more charity to everyone around us. I've personally committed myself to thank and compliment others more often to accomplish this. What will you do?

Have a great week! Kalofsh shumë mirë!

Motra Follëp
​It was E's birthday so we got her a little snow globe.

This is I, a super cool member. We are in the little sacrament meeting room.

Someone gave us lipstick!

Talk prep. Note our iPhone 7.

Beautiful Orthodox church in the center of town.

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